Abdullah AbdullahIn the long and infamous list of “firsts” established by this administration  we can now safely add what is perhaps the most despicable one …to date.

For the first time ever in  our history  the administration of another nation has shown more compassion and more concern for the lives and safety of our soldiers than our own administration!

Desperate to cover up  his cowardice, Obamba and his  America hating court came up with a truly despicable scheme. Fittingly Obama chose  non other than  John Kerry – the very  yenta who had previously gave more aid an comfort to the Viet Cong that were killing our troops than Jane Fonda after downing a fifth of cheap Bourbon- to launch the Obamunist’s idiotic half baked offense.

It so great to see tow rival statesmen prioritize the good of the country over their own ambitions. I’ts so sad that this so rare and it’s so sad that this administration has yet to do any of that.

The American people  know the importance of winning in Afghanistan, and so does Obamba. The problem is however that the two are diametrically opposed in the their goals. While the American people want to do anything and everything possible to win Obamba wants and is doing everything possible to lose. The one catch that the Obamnusists have do deal with however, is that they can’t yet overtly declare their burning desire to see  America humiliated, defeated and destroyed. Instead they have to camouflage their actions behind an increasingly absurd barrage of cockamamie rules and regulations touted as “humanitarian and democratic” but whose real goal is to impede our ability to defend ourselves. These newly implemented rules prevent us form gathering intelligence, prevent us from interrogating prisoners and prevent us form prosecuting the war in a successful manner.

Having consolidated these rules the Obamunists are now moving to the next phase, the downright denial of the troops required by the Generals in the field to actually win the war.

The first attempt to do this came under the guise of wanting to somehow secure fairer Afghanistan elections by withholding the additional  troops desperately requested by the Commanding Generals.

The pretext that they came up with is that there might have been 35 separate  allegations of electoral violations which somehow affected the elections in Afghanistan.  Of course Obama is chagrined, only 35 violations? Hell in Chicago they don’t start counting until after the first 200.

Be that as it may- is there any need to really question  the findings of a handful of European libs- the “solution” that the Obamunists disseminated trough  John Kerry is that unless there is a runoff election we will not send in additional troops.

Lets analyze this treasonous absurdity for a second becasue it serves as an ideal vehicle to illustrate the complete disdain that Obama and the liberals have for the lives of our troops and the determination with which they pursue a defeatist policy in Afghanistan.  A runoff election would have been an irresistible magnet to all  jihadist worldwide. Already the questioning  of the election brought comfort to the enemy and allowed them to establish a sort of moral high ground which , false as it may be, is none the less a platform from which they attract and embolden their terrorist followers.  Against this background holding a runoff election would have meant hundreds of US casualties and thousands of Afghan ones.

Fortunately the Afghan leadership cares more for human life, both Afghan and American, than the scum bags occupying  our own White House !

In what was clearly a coordinated attempt to thwart the  treasonous plan of the Obamunists,  Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai anad his rival Abdullah Abdullah saved us and our troops from a flood of unnecessary blood shed.

Hamid Karzai agreed to the runoff election and shortly thereafter Abdullah Abdullah withdrew his candidacy for president of Afghanistan. It so great to see tow rival statesmen prioritize the good of the country over their own ambitions. I’ts so sad that this so rare and it’s so sad that this administration has yet to do any of that.  In one fell swoop Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah averted the artificial crisis created by  Obama, saved countess of lives both American and Afghan and gave the Afghans and the world hope for a peaceful future. Of course none of this was mentioned in the State Run Media.  This act by Abdullah and Abdullah and Hamid Karzai would certainly merit the Nobel Peace Prize and it would certainly merit it a hell  of a lot more than Obama’s phantom accomplishments.

As for Obama, David Axelrod, Rham Emanuel. John Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton and the rest of the obamunist yentas, well, what can one say? They were left naked and exposed  in the bright spot lights of the world stage to be seen by all and by history as the lying deceiving bumbling cretins that are.

We could leave it that but the saga is far from over. This attempt to justify handing victory to the AlQaida and Taliban terrorists has been thwarted by have no doubt that this is the ultimate goal of the Obama administration and that they will do everything possible to that end.  hry try to use all sort of schemes to hide their intention but if they fail Obama will just simply come out and tell us that we cannot win in Afghanistan and that we have to “scale down” our presence.

This has been his goal all along and this is what they’ll do.

    1. Most libs get their news from the Colbert Report and consider him among the most trustworthy reporters. I think that says more about libs than it does about Colbert.

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