Read time 1.1 min,( libs, just skip to the vid.)

I really could care less if Helen the hag retires or not. She’s just another scum bag lib who makes an idiot of herself  whenever she gets a they all do.

I just want to let you know the real reason why she was retired.

For many years it was well known that she  hated Jews almost as much as she hates America. It seems that there would hardly be a cocktail party in DC where she wouldn’t go on about how horrible Israel is treating the peace loving and school building Hamas . The left turned a blind eye to this – if not an approving nod-  and course she was never  asked a direct question about what the Israelis should or should not do because the left knew exactly  what their little darling would say.

Non one else in the media enjoyed as much  impunity  –  bestowed upon her by the left’s because, well, just because-  as Helen Thomas and because of that few could get away with the impertinence and bias that she constantly displayed. The left needed her to do just what she always did  so they hid as much about her as they could – did you know she is of Lebanese decent?

So why now? Why set a trap and put her on the spot now?

It seems that it all went to her head and she dared ask a question of our “beloved leader’ that wasn’t part of the script.

During the utterly embarrassing debacle that was Obama’s last press conference he was astonished to find himself having to actually answer some real questions. Boy did he look like the moron we all know him to be.

Desperately   hoping for  a respite from the uncharacteristic torrent of  pointed questions that were thrown at him form the up to then docile White House Press Corps, Obama called on Helen Thomas. Surely,  he thought, his adoring Helen would lob him a softball  he’d crack a juvenile joke and call it a day.

What he got instead was Helen asking him when he plans to keep his promise and stop the wars. ( see video below) Helen Thomas’ fate was sealed.

A few days later the trap was set and now  Helen is retired and the White House and the libs can blame the Jews.

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