Racist hack “playwright” Lloyd Shu doesn’t  want white actors to play non white roles, claiming that “The practice of using white actors to portray nonwhite characters has deep roots in ugly racist traditions,” Mr. Suh continued. “It sends a message, intended or not, that is exclusionary at best, dehumanizing at worst.””

Note that racist Mr Lloyd Shu does not think that having Indian actors play roles of Middle Eastern characters is not racist – only whites need not apply.

Not only does  Mr Lloyd Shu seem to be an anti-white racist he is in my opinion a scum, bag blasphemer and a coward. In this garbage of a play racist and bigoted Lloyd Shu portrays Jesus Christ depicts “Jesus as a foul-mouthed stoner wandering through India, jamming on his guitar and talking Buddhism with his new buddies.”

Perhaps divine intervention has struck twice by first exposing Mr. Lloyd Shu as the racist that he evidently is and by canceling the production of the garbage that he wrote.

Read the rest of the story here 

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