I haven’t yet figured out this Wkileaks situation. Whatever its intention may have been so far the result is that it mostly backfired against the left – again I have no idea if that was it’s intention or not. Another “unintended consequence” is that Hillary Clinton is forced out of public life and any way you look at it that can only be considered a public service performed by Julian Assange to all humanity. We can push that further and wonder aloud if the Wkileaks “intel dump” may not have stopped the New World order plans dead in their tracks. Yes, on the other hand one can also look at it as a means to have removed Obama’s most obvious adversary, Hilary, from the picture and that would make Assange  another in a long line of tools used by the left  to ensure the Obama dictatorship. So, like I said I don’t yet know what to make of this but let’s focus on what we can surmise from the intel released.

We also learned, once again, that Russia is a corrupt mafia like state run by Putin and that Medved-what’s-his-face is  Putin’s puppet.  Nothing new here but it’s god to have confirmation. It also makes one wonder who exactly is Obama’s puppet master? There could be a collective of such puppeteers in which case it would make things easier for Obama’s proctologist!  

We all know that Sarkozy is impulsive and an egomaniac so again nothing new.

Regardless of the original intention the Wikileaks documents have managed to show the world that the US diplomats are by far the only ones competent and capable of gathering and organizing information in a way that even resembles something that a superpower should do.  Vis- a- vis their Russian and Chinese counterparts our diplomats look like schoolmasters surrounded by obnoxious and not all that bright elementary school children.

I am not big on conspiracies, but I have to admit that only those with the cognitive capabilities of amoebas can possibly believe a Private first class can access and download so many secret documents from so many agencies and then skedaddle out the door with them. To prove my point I submit that PFC Bradley Manning is now honored by Berkeley.

We also learned that despite the  idiotic rhetoric – apologies for the redundancy- spewed by Obama and his handlers the real world is a lot more like that described by W Bush. The image of our planet’s politics depicted by the Wikileaks documents  is one where the only reason the likes  of Ahamdinijad will ever sit down with Obama is the same  reason that Putin did. To show him, Obama, how overmatched he is and perhaps gather some comedic material for cocktail parties!

Should there be terrorism or treason charges brought against Assange? Yeah sure , right after we bring similar charges against the  New York Times, Washington Post,  Geraldo Rivera, Hanoi Jane, Seantor Patrick “Leaky” Leahy etc.

All that aside the damage done by Wikileaks to worldwide diplomacy, Americans very much included, is real. I for one am at a loss to see how destroying diplomacy helps make the world a safer place! Of course it doesn’t, it makes the world that much more dangerous, chaos is by definition not a good thing!  Julian Assange may end up having  a lot more blood on his hands than just that of the Chinese diplomats and their families.

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