it’s really good to see that at least one Neocon is the target of a very serious primary challenge.  Eric Cantor has long been the weasel backing up John Boehner’s liberal agenda. Few RINOS in congress infuriate true conservatives as much as Eric Cantor. When the Washington Posts pens an entire column titled “Why Liberals Should Thank Eric Cantor” you know that this clown is not a conservative, does not have our best interest in mind and should certainly not play the major role that he now holds in the Republican Party.

It’s time to put an end once and for all to  Amnesty deals done in the back rooms special interest group’s  offices and. It’s time to put an end to shady budget deals that are  have bankrupted our country.

These are the two gentlemen, Dave Bart (left)  and  Peter Greenwald (right) ,  challenging Eric Cantor, and as of now I can’t see why either of them would be worse than the status quo. The pics are both linked to their respective campaigns so click on them to go there and view their platforms and donate some money so we can get rid of Cantor

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