obama_garbFlip flopping again, ostensibly as a result of the hour long  lecture he got from Putin, Obama orders the end of the anti missile program that Geroge W Bush worked so hard to make a reality.

The two major policy decisions that Obama has made thus far  have had the effect of insuring  that the country is a sitting duck.

First he declared that we will , largely unilaterally, get rid of our offensive ICBM capabilities.  Now we unilateraly end our defensive missile shield  capabilities. The result is that Obama and Axelrod and Rham Emmanuel are reducing the United States to the status of a sitting duck.

Obama received nothing in return for this unilateral disarmament from anyone (It is possible that Putin told him that unless he does this he will cut off the supply lines to Afghanistan as we noted here).  He is doing this because he wants to! And what he desperately wants is  to invite an attack which will cause  the much desired crisis with which to destroy the country.

Obama’s justification for this latest betrayal is that he says  Iran is closer to deploying short range and medium range missile than they are to deploying  long range missiles. O. He bases this on what he calls , “new intelligence” .Given the former junior Senator from Illinois’  public statements proclaiming his distrust and disdain for “intelligence ” the hypocrisy of this is lost on no one! More importantly is that so far the Iranians have been steps ahead of Obama at every move and this time its no different. So according to this new Obama policy we will focus on stopping Iran’s short and medium range  missiles.

Here is some intelligence regarding Iran’s lack of long range missile capabilities. The Obamunists  could have found thisintelligence bydoing a top secret search on Youtube.

Gee, that just great Hussein Obama ,while we focus on stopping their short range missiles   Iran will divert funding and  focus instead on developing long range weapons to attack us. Just the way you want !

In my earlier assessment of the Obama declaration that he will destroy or nuclear arsenal I called it “Obama’s Maginot Line “. In light of this latest betrayal I have to issue a correction. For all its faults the Maginot Line represented a viable attempt to defend France and, in a way, Belgium. Obama is no longer making a legitimate attempt to defend America

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