ObamaArlingtonNational1October Was The DEADLIEST Month In Afghanistan

When the war started George W Bush stopped playing golf. Obama on the other hand has no such hangup. In fact he has golfed more in his first eight months than Bush has in eight years . While many have accused Obama of being weak and flipping on just about each and every position and policy no one can accuse him of not being true blue to his one true passion, golfing.

When Chrysler, GM and numerous banks filed for bankruptcy Obama golfed.

When millions  of Americans came out into the streets to protest the theft of not just our money  but the money of  of many future generations, Obama golfed

When North Korea launched more missile in a week then they did during the previous four years, Obama golfed

When Iran exploded into a revolution for freedom Obama encouraged them by ..golfing

When the Hondurans threw out their would be dictator Obama chastised them then went golfing

When General McChrystal urgently begged for much needed additional troops  Obama golfed

October is the deadliest month for US troops in Afghanistan  and  , you guessed it, Obama responded by golfing.

What will Obama’s legacy be? When history came calling he was out golfing?

Why doesn’t he just resign and go play golf , we’ll gladly foot the bill, it will be a hell of a lot cheaper that this charlatan is costing us now

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