Obama Says Economic Stimulus Worked as Intended, Urges Patience

Barack Obama said his $787 billion stimulus bill “has worked as intended” as he pushed back against Republican criticism that his recovery program has failed to rescue the economy.

Ahhem, gee Barry good thing you told us because in the real world there are  more unemployed workers in America than ever before in our history.
Since you are at it maybe have the TOTUS give a clue to Bidden because that ol boy says that you and your cabal “underestimated the economy”

You know most of us can’t quite figure that one out Barry. How can you and yours have underestimated the economy when you called it “financial meltdown” and “financial Armageddon” and the world will end and cats and dogs would have checkers tournaments? Either you didn’t’ believe what you were saying or you think that maybe you should’ve used stronger language. Maybe you should have said that the situation is the equivalent of “TWO CONSECUTIVE ARMAGEDDONS” after all two is stronger than one right?

Anyway if the stimulus is working clue in your Obamunists, including Bidden and Pelosi and al the rest who claim that we need a second stimulus.  Hey we all know that you can’t wait to get your hands on “whitey’s” money  but at least come up with another excuse, you know one where you libs don’t contradict each other  every other word.

OK so House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA)  described  the situation in a more media friendly manner.

Congressman Cantor ” said the stimulus bill was “full of pork- barrel spending, government waste and massive borrowing cleverly called ‘stimulus.’”

“The plain truth is that President Obama’s economic decisions have not produced jobs, have not produced prosperity, and have not worked,” Cantor said.” Source Bloomberg

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