Liberals are chastising the Italian cruise ship for allowing it’s Israeli security guards to fire on the pirates. ( Being Israeli they missed and didn’t kill any pirates hence the reason why they aren’t facing charges in Hague). The administration and others are upset that there wasn’t enough time given to negotiations with the pirates.

I think a whole bunch of us were somewhat critical of the despicable way in which the Manchild handled the rescue of Captain Phillips and questioned the timing and the ridiculous conditions imposed in Obama’s so called “approval” for action against the terrorists. It looks like we were right.

It seems however that the liberals are once again being hypocritical. Aren’t they the ones advocating against homocentrism? Why then show such kindness to the pirates and yet make no effort to understand the motives of the virus. Isn’t it a crime against nature for the entire planet to band together and to eradicate the poor virus?

Why not just let Obama “sit down” with it for a few hours and see if he can charm the virus into mutation to a less dangerous strain !

But for the record I happen to agree, not all security guards, especially those recruited form other countries can shoot well – we all know about the disastrous Israeli “instinctive shooting ” methods- therefore liberals may be right. Don’t be so quick to shoot, use instead a flame thrower.

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