If he wasn’t such a thin skinned megalomaniac dictator -wanna-be I would think that he doing all this intentionally. Instead it is clear that it is all just utter stupidity and incompetence.


MOSCOW – Russia’s lower house of parliament gave preliminary approval Friday to a U.S.-Russian arms treaty, but decided to delay the final vote until next month.

The Kremlin-controlled State Duma voted 350-58 to approve the New START treaty in the first of three readings. The legislators said they would proceed further after returning from the New Year’s vacation that lasts until Jan. 11.

The Russian parliament normally ratifies international treaties in a single vote, but this time legislators said they needed an extra time to study legislation accompanying the treaty that was passed by the U.S. Senate when it ratified the pact on Wednesday. SOURCE

Good thing that Obama and his Marxists told us how imperative it is to pass this immediately. Is there anyone on this planet who doesn’t know what an imbecile this guy is?

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