Bonnie Watson Coleman

Make no mistake, Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, Elijah Cummins, Elanor Norton Holmes, Clay Lacy , Bonnie Watson, and every single one of the black representatives who fueled the fires of Racial Civil War at Comey’s e-mail hearings have the blood of the heroic officers on their hands and should be jailed immediately for sedition and inciting terrorism. They did this either by promoting racial hatre or by failing to condemn their fellow democrats for doing the same.

The democrats in Congress, specifically the Black Congressional Caucus members that were on the James Comey committee picked up the Obama’s signal and further promoted it.

Elijah Cummins and the other black representatives used the Comey hearings to incite racial hatred.

Democrat representative racist Lacy Clay used the James Comey hearings actually condemn a hashtag, #white genocide. As if somehow a hash tag or even the very topic of white genocide is somehow a topic that has anything to do with the Comey hearings. He used the hearings to incite racial hatred and draft in the wake of the the New Orleans and Minnesota shootings to hasten Obama’s Racial War agents ( Hat tip Washington Post)


Lacy Clay

Lacy Clay succeeded in creating more  racial violence and murder in just few minutes than any so called racist web site has ever done!

Democrat Bonnie Watson Coleman New Jersey’s first black Congresswoman also used the James Comey hearing to obfuscate and hide the issue of Hillary’s criminal activity and instead incite racial violence.

The result was immediate and deadly as their constituents, Black Lives Matter and their supporters,  killed FIVE police officers cold blood.

Details of the suspects will emerge and we’ll find out more but in the mean time America has to condemn the Democrats, Barack Hussein Obama, Elijah Cummins, Clay Lacy, and Bonnie Watson are as guilty of these murders as the shooters.

Those of us who pray for peace and our beautiful country  have a duty to report and record for the public and history the role played by the Obamas and the Congressional Black Caucus at the James Comey hearings.







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