I know that he ain’t ‘zactly the brightest of Republican tools to pollute the airways but seriously, earlier today he achieved record idiocy.  I can usually bare to listen to 15 maybe 20 minutes of his show and on his best days even the first 30 minutes, but today I had to turn the radio off and bang my head against the head rest after under just one minute.

He began his show, literally, I mean the first words out of his mouth were that we shouldn’t take the Swine Flu seriously because so far only 40 cases have been reported in the US and “all the hype” ( his words) is a plot to further the Universal Health Care agenda. If that’s the case, I can’t help but wonder how did the Obamunists manged to talk all those Mexicans into croaking just so they can further the Universal Health Care agenda? Understand that 150 is a silly stupid figure and that it will climb much higher very fast. The Mexican government is keeping the figure low because, first there are vast areas of the country which they cannot access and therefore don’t have a clue as to the numbers, second to prevent a panic, and third to try and save some remnants of the tourism industry and their exports. So, tragically, the death figures of this tragedy will rise and fast.

Will the Obamunists use every opportunity to try and further their agenda?  Oh sure all that and then some.  I put no despicable act past them.  But by the same token the best defense against whatever they are planning is to prevent the flu from spreading.

That should be our focus and our push. From closing the borders for both illegal and legal traffic to testing, like the Japanese do, all passengers coming from Mexico these are all logical and necessary steps. Does Hannity think that the Japanese are somehow in on the Universal Health Care conspiracy along with the ever obliging dead Mexicans?

Did I mention closing the border for illegals?

Hannity was the  “stop Hillary express” guy. He was, wasn’t he? Geez, with geniuses like him plotting strategy it’s a wonder Obama won and not Castro!

Why is he not devoting every second of his show to apologizing to the country for helping elect Obama?
What a f—g tool!

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