Is Sotomayor in the corwd?
Is Sotomayor in the crowd?

The old ways are gone, change has come, here are the new ways!

Monday, May 25, 2009: North  Korea fires underground nuclear weapon.

Obama , and Hillary do nothing. Obama is getting pounded in the news cycle.  Obama decides to play possum and address the issue as little as possible

Tuesday, May 26, 2009: Apparently, the North Koreans were insulted by the lack of Obama attention and shot off two short/medium range missiles. We don’t know if in fact they were short or medium range missiles or even long range missiles, but that is what we are told by the white house. The rockets could have been long range missiles calibrated to a short distance for testing purposes, but hey, worry not, they can only reach Frisco.

To deal with this, Obama makes the decisive ahhh, decision, to nominate Sotomayor, a far left lunatic racist to the supreme court. The tactic works. No. zof course it has no effect on North Korea, except to maybe piss’em off more, but it works tremendously well with the drivel-by-media. Right away North Korea no longer existed and all focus was on Sotomayor! Obama showed how he would make peace in the world!

Friday, May 29, 2009: North Korea launches another short range missile  and may be  preparing to launch a long range missile. Ooops! I guess they didn’t get the memo telling them that the whole world is supposed to be talking about Sotomayor!

Worry not, Americans!  Obama is on it. Obama unveiled his plan to  counter the North Korean  missile launch and their threats to attack ships and do all kinds of other nasty things to everyone else. This time, Obama stepped up the heat by announcing a “Cyber Czar”. Well, no, not exactly announcing the Cyber Czar, but rather announcing that someday he will announce who the Cyber Czar will be…someday. (Hey, it’s a crisis damn it.  An announcement to make an announcemnt is all you get.  Next time the North Koreans launch another missile, Obama may annouce the short list of the Cyber Czars.) What a stroke of foreign policy genius! Right away the drivel-by-media stopped talking about North Korea again.

There was, however, a small problem – the Weekend News Cycle. Surely those talking heads at FOX would bring up North Korea?  Ha! Nothing doin’! A quick trip to NYC on Air Force One with Michelle Black Belle for dinner and a show, and voila the news cycle is now dominated by that story not North Korea. OK fine so they’ll offer to someday pay back the taxpayers at the rate of a first class trip for two but so what?  Once Barry is out of the White House he’ll be making “real bank”.

You see I told you that Obama succeeds where others failed.

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