The government propaganda organs were forced to report that a car bomb exploded in Mexico.   Most are reporting this as a “new chapter ” in Mexico’s drug war, and it certainly is just that.

Do you know what else it is? It is the preface to a new volume  in America’s Global War on Terror.

The bomb exploded in Ciudad Juarez which as you can see form the map is at most 3 miles away from our border. By all accounts the  device was detonated not by some trip wired grenade as initially reported but rather by a sophisticated remote device similar to those used in the Middle East and elsewhere by Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations.

The tactics involved are also identical with those used by terrorists the world over including the 911 attack. There was an initial shooting incident the authorities received phone calls informing them of the shooting and as the first responders , police and EMS, worked the scene the car bomb was detonated.

CNN reports that  “Jose Marulanda, a security analyst based in Bogota, Colombia, called Friday’s bombing a “turning point” in Mexico’s drug war” he also added that  ” the Colombian cartels are influenced by FARC, the guerrilla group which has waged war against the Colombian government for decades and “has a lot of experience with explosives.” (source). Columbia’s FARC has very strong ties with two very important, deadly and dangerous players.

First, Obama admirer and “book club pal”  Venezuela’s Cesar Chavez. When FARC’s second in command, Raul Reyes, was killed by an sir strike in March 2008, among the intelligence recovered were references to a $300 million dollars financing offer from Caesar Chavez. Sources say that the funds were intended to be channeled to Mexico in order to finance attacks on Mexico’s oil industry, 97% of which provides oil to the US. Would Mexico’s economy get hirt, sure but the average Mexican is not benefiting form the oil revenues anyway and if the hardships lead to a venezuela style coup, or an Obama style coup, well so much the better. The left knows full well that two leftists US presidents were elected in the wake of “economic crisis”. The left also knows that “economic crisis was launching pad for jsut about every socialist, communist or dictatorial power grab in the past 100 years. So if Mexico’s economy gets destabilized so much the better. If along with that US gasoline prices reach 7, or $8 or $10 per gallon and this precipitates riots and massive civil uprisings, well , you think Chavez or Obama will weep?

We all made fun of the book that Chavez gave Obama, but none of us knows what Chavez scribbled in it.

Second, there is Hezbollah. The Iranian backed terrorist organization has ties, training  and even “exchange programs” with most of the terrorist groups in South and Central America. There have been many reports that FARC has met with Hezbollah operatives in Caracas, to discuss undertaking operations against Mexico’s infrastructure.
Let’s keep in mind that Chavez and Iran have longstanding ties  going back to 1999 when Chavez seized power (source).  The “investments” that Iran has made in Venezuela are reported to be worth billions of dollars and as the NY Times reports they include Uranium mining operations  both in Venezuela and in neighboring Bolivia – a state very friendly to Chavez. (source)

There are also reports that the training camps in Venezuela are manned not just by Iran’s  Hezbollah proxy but also directly by Iranian operatives.  A recent Pentagon report states that Iran is busy sending it’s “Quds force” throughout the Latin Americas and actually warns that the US will probably came in direct contact with these operatives,  ”If US involvement in conflicts in these regions deepens, contact with the IRGC-QF (Quds Force), directly or through extremist groups it supports, will be more frequent and consequential“ warns the document” (source).

There is something else that stands out about the bomb  attack in Mexico. Usually the credit for the attacks is claimed by the so called “La Linea” the ‘subcontractors” of the drug cartel.  This wasn’t the case with this attack. Graffiti written on the bloodied walls of Juarez  proclaim that the credit for this attack is being taken by the Juarez Cartel itself – the bosses. The message sent is not just to the mexican government but to the US government as well. It states clearly, we are operating alongside muslim terrorists, Hezbolah, maybe even Al qaida or who knows which group. If the US interferes we will send them over the border. If the US closes the border, that too will trigger shipments of islamist terrorists to the us – the only problem with this threat is that islamist terrorists probably already infiltrted the US from Mexico.  The GWOT is now THREE  MILES FORM OUR BORDER, check that it was there a week or so ago when I started to write this, now…

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