It is absolutly proper that the first thing the new congress does is call for a vote to repeal the second biggest threat to our freedom , Obamacare.

The governement propaganda organs , the MSM,  will trey to convince the country that the congress should focus on other things like jobs and la di da.  I won’t bother to refute that type of nonsense except to  question why the MSM hasn’t proded Obama to “focus” on jobs in the past two years.  Repealing  Obama care and the automatic tax hike that it imposes on individuals and companies will by itself  help create more jobs then the trillions of dollars of money borrowed frm the Chinese that Obama gave to his corrupt cronies.

That of course is not the primary reason to repeal Obamacare. The primary overwhelming and immediate reason to repeal Obamacare is that for the first time since the Pilgrims set foot on these shores we Americans will be forced to pay to be alive…  Do you know what it is called when you have to pay to live?  Isn’t it ironic as hell that the United States of America has been enslaved by a black man ?

Our last hope lies with this congress and Bohner best get on the band wagon or get the hell out of the way. I know tha they say that the Seante will strike down the motion but who knows, stanger things have happened.

The second thing this Congress should do is invesitgate the “birth cerificate” and if it is found wanting Obama and all his eneablers should be tried for trason agaianst the United States of America …and of his supporters want to riot so be it.

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