Well, there is a bit of really good news this morning, quite good in fact and it really made my day!

Chris Simcox the founder of the great “Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has announced that he will seek the Republican nomination for senator of the great state of Arizona, replacing John McCain. To this I say , what took you so long! How I feel about John McCain is no secret to our regular visitors , here it is for our newer readers and I can’t be happier that there is serious challenger stepping up to the plate to replace him. Wouldn’t it be great if Sarah Palin would declare her support for Simcox right away? Of course she won’t she has a lot of class but I am sure that she will in due time. Now lets find someone to run against Snow, Collins, Specter and Grhamnesty and maybe a lot of us might just stay in the GOP! Here is Simcox’ site and this is campaign video.

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