Don't tread on me

Read time 1.1 min. video below

It was very clear that  when Obama first embarked on his overtly racist policies to destroy America and redistribute the money of working people to his minority supporters that unless we stopped him it would get worse. We didn’t stop him.

It was very clear that when Obama refused to prosecute New Black Panthers terrorists for terrorizing and intimidating  voters at the polls that unless  stopped  him it will get worse. We didn’t stop him.

It was very clear when we allowed Obama to sell our children into serfdom to China and Goldman Sachs and other bankers that if we don’t stop him it would get worse. We didn’t stop him.

It was very clear when he appointed the racist Sotomayor to the Supreme Court  that unless we stopped  him it would get worse. We didn’t stop him,

Now it is getting worse! From the teenage kid that was abducted , beaten and tortured because he is white to the black cops that harass whites and declare that this isn’t America anymore, violence against whites is escalating and it is escalating with impunity – in fact it is escalating with the not so tacit approval of the left including Obama!

The latest episode, in the video below, is of a peaceful white man, a Tea Party member, asking an enraged violent black Obama  supporter to not touch his wife. In response the black Obama supporter attacked him viciously and repeatedly.

Do you think that there would be “hate crime” charges pressed against the black attacker? Of course not.According to the FBI  there over 500,000 violent crimes committed by blacks against whites each and every year. How many are charged with hate crime?

Unless we stop Obama this will go on. This racism is his legacy, his intentional doing and it will get worse, much worse. Do you think Obama will peacefully allow us to vote his supporters out in November? Do you think that he will go quietly to the trash heap of history in 2012?
We have to stop him by being politically active at all levels. In your community go on PTA boards, go on the election committees, run for local office and most important organize protests and organize and educate groups in your community. This is how we will stop him if we don’t you’ll look longingly back to the days when you only got punched in the face.

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