I wrote so much on Arlen Spector over the years – elsewhere, not here- that I am all Spectored out. Geez, maybe if I get really bored I’ll dig some up and torture you with it since water-boarding is no longer allowed.. For now lets just say that he finally did something to make conservatives happy ! I believe that he may have set a record!

Has there ever been any other American politician who switched parties and caused so much joy for his former partisans!

Way to go Arlin please take Snow and Collins and Grahamnesty with you. Here is an example of Spector’s great diplomatic skills:

Apparently callous to their feelings, Specter let loose with a stream of Polish jokes. The Post said he recounted the old one about a person who tells another person that he knows a good Polish joke. The man responds, “Hey careful, I’m Polish!” Specter delivered the punchline: “That’s OK, I’ll tell it more slowly.”


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