BFWe are so stressed with this Healthcare BS, but you know sometimes you just happen upon something that will put a smile on your  face.  Maybe a flower, or maybe a rainbow. A gentle butterfly or maybe the laughter of children.  Or in my case, I was just walking along Grove Street minding my own when out of the blue  I’m  getting my gut punched by the visceral punk/garage /sludge beat of Ben Franklin. WOW! Who the hell is the guy on the drums? Oh, wait, its’ a chick? Man she eats her Wheaties believe me! LOL! Oh yeah these two boys and gal rock!

Now. I don’t usually review bands, even though I have to confess that I love to go see local bands, a lot,  and some not so local, but I don’t review them because, well it’s kinda obvious ain’t it?

Ben Franklin surprised the hell out of me.  I happened along as they started their song “Timmeh” and hold on to your keyboard blog breath – yes, it’s about Timmy Geithner and yeah, they are telling him to give the money back…and Summers too.

Most of  us who were disillusioned with the neocons and disgusted by their spending spree, which is now accelerated to warp speed  by this ultra-liberal administration, keep telling everyone that fiscal responsibility is not a  Left vs. Right thing.  It really isn’t ! It’s an American thing.

I don’t know a single liberal who gets up out of bed every morning and jumps for joy singing  “I can’t wait to see how much money  I can borrow to give to Goldman Sachs and Warren Buffet today!” I have to tell you if libs and cons ever get united on fiscal responsibility those boys on Wall Street and Washington will have a rude awakening.

Will Ben Franklin be the catalyst to bring us together? I don’t know.  I sure hope so, but I’ll support them anyway because, hey, what’s the downside? I’ll see a great show once in awhile and listen to some ass-kicking music.

Here is their website and here is  link  to listen to Timmeh!


“Timmeh Geithner where are my taxespartying tonight?

How is that Viper with the yellow racing stripes”

Below is Ben Franklin  at Europa there is some vulgarity.

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