Glenn Beck is not exposing the Mormon amnesty bill

Utah is about to launch a devastating  broad side attack to our constitution  and our country and no one but a few voices in the wilderness are talking about it – we sure are click here .  The big guns of the so called conservative media are paying no mind to this! Fox News, O’Rilley, Napolitano, Rush, Savage, Levin, Hannity, Maltzberg, Beck- Beck is of course a Mormon now and so we don’t expect  him to know anything about this right-  all of them are silent! Why? The reason is very simple, this unconstitutional attack on our freedom is perpetrated by the  Utah  Republican Party, with the probable GOP blessing,  and by the wealthy and influential donors of the Church of Latter Day Saints, THE MORMONS!

The Bill that passed the Utah state legislature is an illegal alien amnesty bill that puts MaCain and Reid’s bill to shame!

Make no mistake this bill is a disastrous for us as anything that McLaime and Ghramnesty and Reid- another Mormon- ever presented. It is a backdoor way to destroy America in very short order and yes it IS A BILL BORN OUT OF THE GREED OF THE LEADERSHIP OF THE  CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (LDS) and other Utah big businesses.

As Ronald Mortensen aptly states “The LDS Church’s support of the Compact was largely seen as being driven by its increasing focus on illegal aliens as a source of new converts and its various interests in Latin America ranging from ensuring the issuance of visas for its missionaries to issues related land ownership and taxation of its properties.” and in this they have the cooperation of the Utah big  business “The Salt Lake Chamber played a key role in developing the Compact and the guestworker bill in order to protect its members’ ability to hire low cost, illegal-alien labor. Agricultural interests quickly signed on for the same reason.”

The Mormon Church will undermine our national sovereignty just so that  they will be allowed to own land in some God forsaken South and Central American places and be allowed to add a few desperate souls to their roster of converts by promising them Visas and amnesty in America

This complete disdain for the rule of law can be expected from corrupt agricultural companies who effectively practice modern day serfdom, but of the Church of Latter Day Saints?  What to make of a Church who chooses to align itself with an illegal and immoral  position not for the sake of protecting   the greater good but for protecting  it’s own financial interests. Can such a Church call itself a Church much less a Christian one?

Unemployment in America is officially at 9.6% and underemployment at close to 20%.  Too many parts of our country,  counties in Appalachia for instance have an unemployment rate of 13% or maybe more.  In this environment , the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce and the Church Of Latter Day Saints, The Mormons are bringing in foreign workers to take jobs that should rightfully go to Americans! How shameful!~


What would the right wing talking heads do and say if this was conducted by a left wing organization? Are these actions less shameful  and less treasonous  now that they are conducted by Republicans and but the Mormon church?

The Mormon “church” which calls itself conservative is trying to justify their postion by kneeling at the pagan altar of relativism and invoking “legal fairness” and social justice” to justify not compling with the lawas and the will of the American people. How is this different than what Obama and the left is is doing?   How is this different than what Obama and the left invoked to pass Obamacare?

Click here to read the article by Ronald Mortensen

Every afternoon we get to watch  Glen Beck pontificate about patriotism and truth and blah blah blah but he  has yet yet to mention word one about the disgusting conspiracy going on in Utah! Why is that? Of course the fact that hsi religion du jour is Mormonism has nothing to do with this right ?! Tell us Glenn Beck what did they promise you to betray your country like this?

I know that unlike the talk show talking heads and the leadership of the Church of latter Day Saints my readers are true patriots and will call the talking heads and urge them to shed light ion this issue!

Glenn Beck

Sean Hannity contact him here

Bill O’Reilly contact him here

Michael Savage

Rush  contact him here

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