It’s really good to see the GOP leadership running scared as Donald Trump climbs to the top of the polls.  What has these RINOs and NEOCONS so shaken up is not that Donald is now the front runner, they could care less, what has them foaming at the mouth is the reality that Donald Trump is leading  because he is articulating precisely the Tea Party platform.

It’s no secret that the GOP and the Tea Party get along like cats and dogs and it’s no secret that the GOP establishment rode the Tea Party movement to House and Senate majority and then promptly ignored everything they promised to do and betrayed those who voted for them. Everyone knows that. What has NEOCONs  likes Ari Fleischer get their panties in a bunch is that for the second time – the first was Sarah Palin- the Tea Party platform has a powerful champion to articulate these ideas to the American public.

conunderground.comThe Tea Party platform is beautiful in it’s simplicity, it’s inherent fairness, it’s universality and timelessness.

How much more do you need to govern than to state that the government is a necessary evil that desperately needs to be kept in check or else it will lead to unspeakable misery? History has proven this time and again.

How is it offensive to state hat nations without borders cannot possibly exist? Why is this an extremist notion?
How is it offensive to point out the hard cold numbers of rape and crime statistics? It is more offensive, in fact it is downright criminal not to do so!

How is it offensive to pint out that god paying jobs have been traded away by this administration to Mexico, China and elsewhere and I might add with GOP establishment support.

I can go on like this but you already know it and so does most of America which is why Donald Trump is leading.

Unlike Sarah Palin, Donald Trump is not as easily bullied or dismissed as a light weight. And unlike Sarah Palin, Donald Trump does not need the GOP establishment slime to back his campaign financially.  For the second time in the span of just three presidential election cycles the Tea Party ideals, and truth is that these are the same ideals that founded out nation, are shaking up the old rotted walls of the GOP establishment ivory towers.  I really hope they’ll come down this time but if not then soon they’ll succumb to the relentless attacks of  the Tea Party.

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