Sh*pak and the dictator
Sh*pak and the dictator

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In yet another example of how completely disingenuous even the most “respected” of the Democrats are Bart Stupak flipped on his up to now oh so righteous stand on abortion!

” I probably still vote for the health care bill at the end of the day”

To justify his despicable actions Stupak came up with some cockamamie excuse that Obama will sign an executive order which will prevent abortions from being funded with our money.  Let’s quickly analyze this for a second before we see the vieo which shows that Stupak intended to vote yes all along regardless of abortion funding.

First of all none of us heard Obama make a commitment to issue any such executive order so it will probably not happen anyway. However what if it does, what if Obama actually does sign such an executive order? Such an executive order will immediately trigger a law suit by Obama’s own backers, the ACLU- and they will win . As everyone, including Bart Stupak knows a law passed by congress and signed by the President is the law of the land and takes precedence and has superiority over an executive order.

So of course the first court that this goes to will strike  down the executive order and will reinstate abortion paid for  by your tax dollars as voted on by congress including Stupak’s deciding vote.

If by some miracle this doesn’t happen then rest assured that come election time Obama will reverse the executive order to consolidate his stading with his demented cook base.

Bart Shi*pak knows all this and he went along with it anyway just he said that he was going to do in the video shown below. No he had no idea that he was being tapped  and yes he says unequivocally that he will vote for the bill even if it provides taxpayer funds for abortions.

What is even worse id that his vote brought along a slew of other democrat voters who pushed the bill over the top. More  than anyone other then the party leadership Sh*tpak has the blood of innocents on his hands and is the one most directly responsible fro the passage of this bill…there’s a special place in hell waiting for this guy.

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