I barely got a chance to publish the post about Lindsey Grahamnesty’s kinder gentler terrorist interrogation methods that, on cue his puppet master comes on to aver what I’ve posted regarding why Republicans lost the election.
Just minutes ago McClaim, one of the architects of the Terrorist Bill of Rights came out and said that aggressive interrogation ” serves as a great propaganda tool for those who recruit people to fight against us and I’ve seen concrete examples of that talking to former high ranking individuals in Iraq”

Well there you go McCain, high ranking Al Qaida terrorists told you that we should stop water-boarding. What better proof do we possibly need that it isn’t working?
And this is the guy who wanted to be president? I wonder if during the election the Obama campaign told McCain which of his adds were or were not working well against the Bama?

By the way, McCain is in Phoneix today speaking at a conference on how to prevent drug violence from spreading into Arizona from Mexico.. I kid you not!

McCain remind us again what state do you represent and what have you done in the past zillion years that you’ve been a Senator to address that?

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