To hear the Neocons on Fox this bill is the spark that ignites the new golden era of bipartisanship cooperation in Congress, or at least in the Senate.
Excuse me all over the place if I am not as enthused as Charles Krauthmmer about this. Why should I be? Why is it so stunning to anyone that Senate libs and Senate neocons have reached an understanding about spending our money? Check that! They aren’t spending our money – we don’t have any.  They are spending our grandchildren’s money!

Why does FOX find any of this so encouraging? Are we supposed to jump for joy that the bill does not contain the 6000 earmarks that Oabama’s bill had? Well sure, but we are still spending money we don’t have.


Are we supposed to be excited that, unlike Obama’s bill, this one is front loaded? Why should I be excited about that?  Have the construction unions agreed to “share the sacrifice” by taking pay cuts? Of course not. So I’m supposed to be excited that the senate is about to give tax dollars confiscated from people making an average of less than $40K to give it to people making an average of $70K and sometimes way more than that? Oh joy!

Here is a simple concept that is probably lost on the FOX news pundits and is certainly alien to the elitist in the US Senate.

If a road or bridge needs to be repaired, then it got that way because it was/is used by people driving on it to pursue whatever business or recreational interests they were/are pursuing.  Well, then guess who should be paying for the upkeep? Hint, it ain’t the people who don’t and never did use that road.

You know what would restore my hope in the Senate (other than McLaim resigning)? It would be a bipartisan bill to actually cut spending. Not slow down spending. Not slow down the rate of spending. But actually cut back the spending in at least one itsy bitsy tiny little old program.  That would be something, but don’t hold your breath.


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