Saudi Arabia is taking in no refugees but is pledging to build 200 Mosques in Germany to ensure that the muslim refugees will not integrate in German society.

According to Islamic, which is now being spread to Europe, Islam should be spread by jihad, war, and also by hijra, which means migration. The new mosques would kill any small chance that Germany would have to assimilate the migrants. Considering that the vast majority of the so called refugees are men of military age this will probably ensure decades of terrorist acts on German soil but as it has happened before it will also reach out to other countries including the Unites States.

The Saudi brand of Islam is Wahabi Islam and over the years the Saudis spent an estimated $100 to $200 Billion to spread Wahabi to other poorer Muslsim nations and the rest of the world.  The problem is that this brand of Islam is considered by most, even Obama’s own state department to be the principal source of Islamist terrorism in the world.

As the Huffington Post reports ” a Wikileaks cable clearly quotes then-Secretary of State Hillary Clintonsaying “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” She continues: “More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups.” And it’s not just the Saudis: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are also implicated in the memo. Other cables released by Wikileaks outline how Saudi front companies are also used to fund terrorism abroad.”

To this day the secret 911 papers have not been declassified and many speculate it’s because they point the finger to Saudi Arabia as the principal financiers of the 911 hijackers.

More recently Senator Bob Graham, a key figure in trying to get the 911 papers declassified, stated explicitly that ” “Saudi Arabia has not stopped its interest in spreading extreme Wahhabism. ISIS…is a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money and Saudi organizational support, although now they are making a pretense of being very anti-ISIS.”

Obama Bowing top the king of Wahabi islam One has to wonder how Germany’s Chancellor Andrea Merkel has so quickly forgotten that the 911 terrorists were all Wahabis. One has to wonder why Merkel is so eager to accept this well indoctrinated army into Germany and why she’s so willing to allow them to continue to be indoctrinated in the most extreme version of Islam.
As Americans we have a vested interest in this as we cannot forget that the chief 911 Hijacker attended university and lived in Germany. We have to call out Angela Merkel and demand that she stop this nonsense and we have the right to do so because her country housed the leader of the 911 attackers.



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