Botox and hair dye, oh my
Botox and hair dye, oh my

The very same  CBO ( Congressional budget Office) that the libs were touting and hailing as non-partisan and fair and equitable and practically infallible during the Bush administration, has put the kibosh on the Obama Health Care Reparations Program. By publishing that  its  estimated costs  analysis will put   the program  well over $1.5 Trillion the CBO has effectively opened the country’s eyes to the impossibility of giving so called “free health care” to whomever happens to traipse across our borders or just to who ever doesn’t feel like paying for it.

The liberals  reply to this is that the CBO estimates are wrong because it does not consider the savings that will be generated by “preventive measures”. Of course the CBO can’t estimate such nonsense but the democrats claim that they can .

So I have one question for the Democrats OK? Why don’t you just pass the prevention part of the bill and save us  $1.5 trillion that the Obamacare would cost plus the $1 Trillion or so that you claim would be saved  in preventive health care. Save us all a bundle why don’t ya?

I wonder how much preventive health care would save us if we no longer allow Congresswomen  to inject Botox into their skull  and Presidents to hose themselves with hair dye  so as to no longer come up with lacunaic brained ideas. ( Yeah I think I made up that adjective  by adding the suffixx -ic to the noun lacuna feel free to spread it)

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