Black ransacking London and attacking whites
Black mobs are robbing whites and making them stip off their clothes

You may have heard about the “riots” in London but what no one told you is that the  vast majority of the so called  “youth” doing the robbing and burning are Blacks

Bot a single publication dared say it; these riots started as race riots

The left wing scum who runs the mass media, yes FOX included because no one at FOX even mentioned this , will not  tell you that these are race riots, riots of marauding blacks attacking whites. No one that is except for one brave soul , The Telegraph’s Toby Young. The flag of truth uncased by Toby was further advanced by his equally brave colleague at The Telegraph, one Katharine Birbalsingh who also points out that not a single damn publication published a photo of Mark Duggan – the thug  whose shooting supposedly sparked the riots. Yes, like the criminals who are sacking London and robbing and humiliating Londoners  are like Duggan, black.

Katherine Birbalsing on the reality of the shooting of Mark Duggan

I’d like to know what they’re angry about. Mark Duggan is dead. He was shot by the police in a shootout. Duggan was in a minicab and shots were fired from both the cab and the police elsewhere. A police officer was hurt in the incident and a bullet was found lodged in a police radio. Either Duggan was shooting at the police or the driver of the minicab was. Either Duggan was in the wrong place at the wrong time and his death is a terrible tragedy – he was caught in the crossfire – or he shot at the police and the police defended themselves

The black mobs , like the black mobs in the US are not “Flash Mobs” they are in fact organized mobs who communicate and organize on Twitter and other social media sites and plan their attacks. The riots happened in predominantly black neighborhoods but did spill over and reached out to whiter areas. Twits such  as this one “If you’re down for making money, we’re about to go hard in east London,” gave explicit instructions where and when to act. Others communicated trough encrypted messages sent via BlackBerry’s free messaging system, instructing rioters where to go and informing them of untapped riches at stores selling expensive electronic equipment, bicycles or designer clothes. Source

The police has been largely outnumbered and relegated to using batons or just running away. As of yet there is only the threat of using water cannons and rubber bullets- what a joke! That Londoners are not organizing to take back their city or at least keep at bay the attackers is testimony of how low the moribund British line has sunk.

Least you dismiss this as only coincidence ask yourself why is it that Obama and his administration, probability one of the most demonically calculating administrations ever in history, chose to not press charges against the  terrorist group the New Black Panthers …To what end?

Sources  Toby Young Katharine Birbalsingh


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