Obama, I am a dream! Yo

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It’s not easy or for that matter easy on the stomach to sift trough the endless pile of mire that Hussein Obama piled on last night.

There is however one particular statement that can easily be refuted becasue it’s rebutal is now ingrained in the minds of all Americans as an example of the disgusting, despicable international left.

Lat night early in his diatribe Obama stated ” Last February, I announced a plan that would bring our combat brigades out of Iraq, while redoubling our efforts to strengthen Iraq’s Security Forces and support its government and people”

Obama would probably get away with that statement – after all CBS is telling the world that there were 87,000 people in attendance at Glen Beck’s rally and they are getting away with it – except that the actual announcement of that plan occurred two months earlier on December 14 2008.

Yes, that was the plan that president George W Bush announced in Baghdad when a leftist journalist threw his shoes at him.

It is now very clear that the  “shoe attack” was staged in order to hijack and hide the message that President Bush was delivering, – and it worked.  Just go ahead and do a search of George W Bush and December 14, 2008. You will have to dig hard to find anything on the subject of the announcement but you will find pages and pages of links referring to the “shoe attack.” The left’s plan and propaganda worked perfectly. The most important announcement regarding the end of the Iraq war was practically erased form history!

The official name of the “plan ” isAgreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq“-  “wanna”  bet that  Obama has no idea what the darn thing is called much less what is in it.   The plan was the result of long months of arduous negotiations involving mullahs, political factions military commanders on all sides and of course Secretaries Gates and Rice. The plan was ratified on November 27  and was approved by Iraq’s Cabinet  on November 16, 2008. Finally on” On December 4, 2008 Iraq’s presidential council approved the security pact.”

On December 14  US President George W Bush signed the pact and discussed it during the press conference.

On August 31 2010 US Resident Barack Hussein Obama claimed it as his own plan annouced “back in February”

The timeline of the plan is detailed at Wikipidia here 

That the Resident lies is not news, that he does it so arrogangly on such a historic occasion on international television during a speech of historic record is troubelsome indeed.


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