Joe biden and barck Obama conunderground.comObama has to explain why he believes that the snake pit on 400 E 42nd Street NYC, aka the United nations, is better qualified than the American people to decide when we should send our troops to war.  The resident needs to tell us why the likes of Russia and China and France are the ones who decide when we spend our blood and treasure on a far off land. Does Russia have troops in harm’s way in Libya, does China?

Obama has to be taken to task and made to explain all this and then he has to be impeached!

Obama didn’t think you even worthy of a formal speech to explain why he is sending us to bomb a foreign land and place our man and women in harm’s way at the behest of a group of foreign nations.

Obama didn’t even think that he needs to justify or at least inform and explain why we are bombing a foreign nation who represents no threat to us  to the congress of the United States of America.

The despicable America hating crooks at the United Nations spoke and Obama obeyed.  When the American people speak Obama not only doesn’t listen but insults us and places us on the  terrorist watch list! Are these the actions of a person who loves democracy or one who desperately wants to be  a dictator?

We know that Obama desperately needs a war to distract the population from the horrific nightmare that has befallen on America in the past two years. The thing is that the American people are the ones going to war not Obama and the American people would at the very lest like the courtesy of an explanation.

Libya did not and does not “present a clear and present danger” to the United States.  Bombing Libya is not a war of necessity but a war of choice, the choice of the United nations.

No one ,and specifically not this impostor who doesn’t see fit to show us his college pictures and grades much less his birth certificate, should subordinate the US Military to anyone but the will of the American people.  The punishemnt for this is exactly that as prescribed by Obama’s designated vice president Joe Bidden. Obama must be impeached

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