Obama Lula

( I wanted to postpone writing this post  until the G20 conference was over in order to give Obama a chance to redeem himself. Alas I should know better)

The wave of hatred and racism ushered in by the Barrack Hussein Obama election is not restricted to just the United State.

By now we are all aware of the  racist statements made by Lula -no really that’s his name- the worm who runs Brazill. Here is the gist of it:

Obama loves Lula
Obama loves Lula

““This crisis was caused by the irrational behavior of white people with blue eyes, who before the crisis appeared to know everything and now demonstrate that they know nothing.”

Affraid to be left out the French have found a way to make this a ménage à trois . After all the the “Frenchman’s treasure” being what it is they can’t help but jump into every pile of crap that comes down the pike, so Sarkosy also blamed the financial crisis on the “Anglo Saxons”.

That the world thinks that its OK to be racist and bash whites should come to no surprise to you. After all you voted  for the guy who’s spiritual father , Wright, preached to Obama that God will damn America for the behavior of  its “white KKKA government .” Of course Obama wasn’t in the pews.

I am wondering what’s worse, that America voted for this charlatan knowing that he is a black racist or that America actually believed that “he wasn’t in the pews.”

Did  Obama after hearing d Lula’s statements  raise any objections? Ha! No way, not only did he not raise any objections but he praised him and professed his admiration:

LONDON (AP) — President Barack Obama … says he isn’t the globe’s most admired politician. He says that title belongs to Brazil’s president.

During a lunch at the Group of 20 summit in London, Obama shook hands with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and said: “This is my man, right here. I love this guy.”

You understand of course that by claiming the “Lula” is the “globe’s most admired politician”  Obama is saying that the world and himself included agrees with placing racially  profiled blame for the financial crisis. .

This morning Obama is in Paris drinking  Sarkosy’s champagne  so why would he even think of condemning him?

The evidence is overwhelming, Obama endorses Lula’s and Sarkosy’s statements and thinks that whites are responsible for the  economic crisis.

I guess in a way he may be right after all you paid the taxes that funded the sub-prime loans to minorities which did cause the credit collapse. I can’t help but wonder however what Obama would say if any head of state articulated that?  Bet your bottom dollar that his ears would flap and the  sermons would be endless.

If you act surprised you are either plain ignorant or you’ve been living under a rock. Did you miss the “Inaugural Benediction” in which Obama’s chosen speaker, another black “reverend” of course, implied that for the length of history whites were wrong . Obama rebuked him with a big sloppy hug “Say Amen”


Did you miss rapper Jay Z, invited by the Obama to view the inauguration in the VIP tenet, as he hummed his latest single “no more white lies my President is Black?” Did I miss Obama’s rebuke?


Well  if you did miss all that then you have nothing to worry about. You either don’t care a wit  about the future of your children or are a tomato. In either case what’s coming will not affect you!

On the other hand, if knowing all this you still voted for Obama anyway, great job you got what you asked for, but where do you think that this will end? Do you seriously think that they will stop at just confiscating your money?

You should be so lucky.

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