A large Swath of Long Island New York’s Nassau County is effectively a DMZ. Some of the most notorious gangs in the nation roam freely and terrorizes the citizenry as New York’s liberals are busy trying to understand how society offended the gangsters.  The politicians of course live in the other  towns  of Nassau county, the ones  with some of the most expensive homes in the country.

In the not so fortunate part of Nassau a man was about to leave his home only to realize that  his house was surrounded  and about to be invaded – his wife and children were inside.

As he ran bcack upstairs to check on his family and retrieve his legally owned  weapon the gangsters entered the compound screaming threats stating that they will kill him and his family.

 “Oh you’re dead. I’m gonna kill your family and your babies. You’re dead.’ So when he says that, 20 others guys come rushing around the corner. And so I fired four warning shots into the grass,” Grier said.”

The man thought that  his house was about to be overrun by the notorious MS 13 gang. Knowing that Nassau county police employs “Shot Spotter” – an anti sniping device that pin points the source of shots being fired- the man fired four warning shots  into the grass hoping that the police would arrive in a few minutes.

The police came and arrested that man is now charged with  ” D felony reckless endangerment — requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that someone’s going to die.” if charges stick, as a convicted felon, the man will no longer be able to legally own a firearm. I am sure that knowing that the gangsters will then leave him alone.

We have no word on any arrests or pending arrests of the alleged gangsters who  threatened to  kill then man  and his family

Here is the article form CBS Source

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