A Muslim man drove a vehicle into a crowd of innocent people in Graz Austria killing several then he got out and stabbed passers by.

The liberal media coverage of this, at least in America is almost zero, and it is so for all the usual reasons. It seems like the MSM has a check list and if none of their preferred boxes are checked then they treat it like it didn’t happen.

  • Victims’ race? White.  Check, that’s a negative.
  • Victims’ religion? Christian. Check, that’s a negative
  • Perpetrator’s religion? Muslim. Check, that’s a negative.
  • Was a gun used? No. Check that’s a negative.

So with all those “negatives” going against it, this story had no chance to make it to the US Mass Media.
What good a story if it cannot promote that “Whites are racists” as Obama implies all the time? How can they print a story that does not contribute to the narrative that Christians are evil murderers? Why that would go directly against what Obama says all the time – even when addressing the beheading of Christians by Muslim terrorists, Obama makes sure to mention that hundreds of years ago Christians committed the ghastly act of defending Christianity!


Finally the terrorist killer used a vehicle and a knife to kill and inure his victims, including a seven year old child, so that goes directly against the narrative that guns are the only way to commit mass murder- as Obama says just about every other day.
So of course the story gets no coverage and the terrorists is simply a poor, deranged, Muslim man.

A few shorts months ago ISIS “issued this call to Muslims in the West: “If you are not able to find an IED [improvised explosive device] or a bullet … smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him. If you are unable to do so, then burn his home, car or business. Or destroy his crops.””  It makes no difference. This is just a poor deranged man who was probably provoked by the racist evil white 7 year old  child.

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