There is no other candidate that is more representative of the Tea Party than Michelle Bachmann.  Heck she actually founded the Tea Party Coalition in congress.g

During her recent speech in South Carolina, thirty Obama operatives  who identified themselves as Occupy Charleston got up and shouted a scripted message.

Question: Michelle Bachmann is vehemently opposed to the bank bailout, just as the Occupy Wall Street crowd says they are, so why are Occupy Charleston  crowds protesting against her?

Answer:  Because  the Occupy scam has nothing to do with banks. All Occupy is,  is a  cover for Socialists and Obama operatives to attack and destroy conservative and moderate candidates, leaders and institutions.

If you still think that this is anything other than an Obama operation you are willfully suspending disbelief.


  1. What we are seeing now is the beginning of BHO’s run for re-election. His backers are creating this mess to be used in one of two ways, disrupt the election enough so Barry wins and take the focus off the economy, or create enough chaos to drive the economy into the toilet and keep voters home. Either way the plan is to re-elect BHO and further his agenda, and thoroughly destroy the US.

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