Its good to see a reporter giving Marines a fair shake.
“America’s not at war, America’s at the mall” Pissed off jarine

The reporter also makes a very good point by asking how exactly are we going to defeat the Taliban using the current Obama strategy and doctrine or lack thereof. The underlying thread of his question is that the ROE are preventing us from chasing them into Pakistan, we can only interrogate them by threatening to withhold the Brownies and only provide them with Twinkies and Fringe Media is completely ignoring the war. The reporters point is that the islamist terrorists can continue doing this for a lot longer than we can. The messageĀ  is that we have to get as serious abut killing terrorists as the Marines in the field are or we’re going to have long war-his words aren’t as sanguine as my interpretation.

  1. thank you heros you are wrong in one thing millions of us do care what your doing and the up most respect for all of you thank you all a ex sailor

    1. My God! Please give me no credit for what Marines are doing in the GWOT. My service was long ago during peace time! And, as humbled as I feel that you think I might in any way be a hero I assure you that that is absolutely not the case at all. I deserve none of it. However you are are correct, they are awesome, as are all the other servicemen and women. But you know what, its good to see another veteran here thank you for coming and thank you for commenting and please come back soon.

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