Dawn BoycottIt’s high time we step up our game and really focus on that which  the dark anti freedom anti America forces  hold most dear, their wallet. It’s not enough to not watch MSNBC  or  NBC, heck no one does anymore, it’s not enough to stop buying the NY Slimes, again, no one does anymore.  These slugs will keep on crawling without viewers and without readers as long as as they have financing. That’s where we have to attack!
The Kitchen Table Patriots are leading the charge to boycott Dawn  products. Dawn and their parent company Proctor and Gamble financed Chris Mathew’s despicable – sorry for the redundancy – hit piece “Rise Of The New Right.”

They boycott was joined by Freedom Works, the National Tea Party Federation, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation and the American Grassroots Coalition and many others.

Boycotting companies that are funding our destruction is as much our duty as picking up muskets was for the Minutemen and it certainly takes a lot less effort and sacrifice.

Let’s start with Dawn and if Proctor and Gamble continues to fund leftist anti American shows let’s expand our patriotic boycott to include more of their  products.

Here is the link to the Dawn products and here is the link to the “Kitchen Table Patriots” site and their article and below is their video.

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