If captain Beckmann is not fit for Duty why is Obama? … if a 17 year old six foot two gangster wanna be attacks you, breaks your nose and bashes your head into the concrete…politely explain that you understand his “black rage” and apologize for being white, well in this case “white-hispanic”, and then go quietly into the after life satisfied that you did not make any remarks that could be misinterpreted as racist.

Captain Brian Beckmann is exactly what Obama is not.  Captain Brian Beckmann is an American hero!  Obama is what Captain Brian Beckmann is not. Obama is a glib teleprompter reader and race agitator.

Captain Beckmann is a man who doesn’t know how to lie or be  “slick”.  Throughout his life the Captain’s been too damn busy learning his craft and saving lives to spend much time learning the sycophantic nuances of political correctness. All Captain Brian Beckmann knows is the truth and once upon a time when America was great that was exactly what real men said and that was enough for the public to recognize them as such.

Let’s do this, let’s compare, side by side, the comments made by Captain Brian Beckmann to similar comments  made by Barack Husein Obama and see if Obama should be demoted just as Captain Beckmann was.

Alas this is not that time. This is the time when litigious empty suits like Obama and Holder and the rest of the left wing menagerie dictate what passes for truth. That is to say that truth is now lies and  lies are heralded as the new wisdom. This is the time when Obama would have us believe that if a 17 year old six foot two gangster wanna be attacks you, breaks your nose and bashes your head into the concrete, then the right course of action is to politely explain that you understand his “black rage” and apologize for being white,well in this case “white-hispanic”, and then go quietly into the after life satisfied that you did not make any remarks that could be misinterpreted as racist.

This is the age when the father of the said 17 year old thug, a man who set a great example for his son by sporting a gangster like tattoo on his neck just below the jaw line can demand that Obama intervene and lynch the man who dared not allow himself to be killed or mutilated or paralyzed or maimed by his gangster wannabe son.

This is the age of Obama.

In this age of Obama,  Captain Brian Beckmann dared to do that which great men did  in better more righteous times, he told the truth. For this he was punished by being demoted form Captain to the lowest rank of firefighter.

The pretext given by the Obama supporters is that the comments made by Captain Brian Beckmann on Facebook prove that he cannot fulfill a leadership role in the Fire Department. The Captains accuser are saying that the comments somehow promote a racist stereotypical image and show a lack of “sensitivity” This perceived lack of sensitivity is what almost cost Captain Beckmann his job. Shouldn’t  the same standards of perceived lack of sensitivity be applied to what is arguably the most important job in the world?

Let’s do this, let’s compare, side by side, the comments made by Captain Brian Beckmann to similar comments  made by Barack Husein Obama and see if Obama should be demoted just as Captain Beckmann was.

  • Captain Beckmann– “I and my coworkers could rewrite the book on whether our urban youths are victims of racist profiling or products of their failed, s—bag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents, but like Mrs. Corey, we speak only the truth,”
  • Obama talking to  Hispanics –  “‘We’re gonna punish our enemies”  in reference to white republicans
  • Captain Beckmann – “They’re just misunderstood little church going angels and the ghetto hoodie look doesn’t have anything to do with why people wonder if they’re about to get jacked by a thug,” he wrote.
  • Obama- “She is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way”
  • Obama– “So it’s not surprising then that they [whites] get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
  • Obama – ” so I read the book to help me understand what makes white people so afraid , their daemons the way ideas get twisted around it helps me understand how people learn to hate”
  • Obama– ” the other race would remain just that menacing alien and apart”
  • Obama – ” black nationalism provided that history and unambiguous morality tale that was easily communicated and easily grasped a steady attack on the white race the constant recitation of the black people brutal experience in this country served as the ballast that could prevent the ideas … yes the [black] nationalist would say whites are responsible for your sorry  state..whites are so heartless and loathsome that we can no longer expect anything from them … I discovered that I couldn’t escape it [black nationalism morality] if I tried.”

Comparing the statements that cost a hero fire fighter  his hard earned Captain’s bars, to those made by Obama one can’t help but wonder why the former got demoted and the later is still employed.  Captain’s Beckmann’s statements may have been heavy handed but his message that irresponsible parenting probably  leads to youths with a troubled life is logical and accepted by most of society.

But what of Obama statements? Above we reproduced just a few of the  statements that Obama made  that if they were made by a white politician or evidently even a public servant like former captain Beckmann, it would cause a fire storm of anti-racist outrage. There are many more such statements and thinly disguised double entandres from Obama but let’s focus on the ones above.

Obama confessed that “I discovered that I could not escape” the hatred indoctrinated into him by black supremacists  “even  if I tried” .   How can anyone reading this be reassured that Obama will discharge his duties in a  manner that is not, at the very least, tainted by his  racial hatred towards whites? This one statement alone is enough for reasonable people to demand that Obama step down. What do you think?


What do you think?

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