It would be easy to just enumerate the gaffes (colossal and otherwise), the miscalculations, or the seemingly chronic incompetence that has plagued this administration’s first 100 days and catalog it all under the rubric of “mistakes.”

Sure we can ridicule the gaffes and the inability to string together ten words without the TOTUS (how did this guy finish Harvard, anyway?). But as far as the plethora of questionable policies, the moniker “mistake” might be inaccurate.

If we view the astonishing consistency, the frequency, the seeming utter disregard for the practically inevitable disasters which will result from theses policies, through the twisted prism of the radical left, and if we add to that mix the administration’s unofficial but stated motto – “never let a crisis go to waste” – then the past 100 days become a much more sinister skeleton of the monster that this administration will flesh out in the years to come.

For you see, what to you and I might seem a series of “mistakes,” to them is probably simply a not so linear means of reaching their goal. And if it’s borne out of sheer incompetence, well, quite frankly, who cares? Who is going to point it out? The bloggers? Who is going to hold them responsible? No one. After all, we have to let them save us from the crisis du jour even if it was created by their own abject stupidity. If not, well, the financial system will collapse, or the world will end or lambs will lie down with lions, so stop asking questions you dumb redneck and let Obama and Rahm Emmanuel save you.

Never let a crisis go to waste

If the line of departure is the freakishly demented statement “never let a crisis go to waste,” an industrious dictatorship (and most are very much so at least before they grab total power) will not merely sit on their hands waiting for such a “crisis” to fall into their lap, they will go out to look for one. If one isn’t readily available, they will try to create one. And if, because in the age of instant news cycles, overtly creating a crisis will get you impeached, then the very least you can do is just plant the seed of a crisis and nourish it behind the scenes and soon you’ll reap the rewards. If the price of that is that some segment of the populous thinks you incompetent, so be it. It’s a minuscule price to pay. Besides, that segment can be dealt with once power is consolidated. For now, you can just put them on the DHS “watch” list because they oppose abortion or because they gather at Tea Parties or because they are veterans. You see at this stage they still need a pretext. They can’t yet put us on the watch list because we are white or because we disagree with Obama, but have just a bit of patience, at this rate it won’t take long.

Flu hope

The template for this is playing out as you are reading this very article in the way the administration is reacting to the flu pandemic. It has been over two weeks since the first Swine Flu deaths were reported and yet even to this date the administration response has been to tell us that I fully expect that we will see deaths from this infection …in this country” and “if you have fever stay home” . That’s it. No border closings. No quarantine for travelers from Mexico. Not even checkpoints at the borders. Just stay home and hope that you don’t croak. How else to interpret this but as another attempt to create the Obama/Rahm Emanuel elusive crisis to not be missed. Mike Savage, hit it right on the head when he said that they are trying ” to make the country safe for the flu virus”.

Taliban Nukes

Sure, the flu is something that really just fell in their lap and sure they’ll make the best of it, but it’s just one aspect of the industrious perhaps intentional incompetence of this administration. It isn’t the only one and believe it or not it isn’t the most dangerous. Consider if you will, that no sooner did Obama show the world that he is a weak incompetent man then within a few short weeks did the Taliban come within a quick burkha clad run of Islamabad. Having demented talibs in charge of a rogue but stone age nation like Afghanistan caused us so much death and destruction and is largely responsible for the current worldwide economic collapse. Now, imagine please the holocaust that having them in control of Pakistan’s nukes will create. I know you may not have heard of this because the media just doesn’t think it all that important. Do you remember how they foamed at the mouth not so long ago because W was somehow responsible for Musaref not going hard enough after the Taliban? Well, now that they got within 60 miles of Islamabad, I guess it’s all peachy because I hear so little of it in the drive-by-media.

Wait, we aren’t done!

What possible reason is there for publishing the secret CIA memos regarding the interrogation techniques? To say that we don’t use torture? OK, fine say it and get it done with, but to actually publish the exact details serves no purpose other than to turn it into a terrorist training manual. You can bet your bottom dollar that as you read this AlQaida is conducting training courses on how to resist the silly Americans. It’s interesting to note that just a few short months ago on every font page and on every news channel we were told that ALQaida is reconstituted and that we are in more danger then ever before. It’s also interesting to note that the cycle of major AlQaida attacks is 7 to 9 years and we now jus t entered the most dangerous window of that cycle. What then to make of the timing and seeming hell bent determination of this administration to train terrorists on how to resist our interrogations? Another administration “mistake” of course, but the pattern is very clear. All these “mistakes” are made in one direction, that which will lead to chaos and misery and give them a chance to advance their goal towards dictatorial powers.

The first 100 days of this administration have been marred by gaffes and failures and embarrassments but they are making up for it by laying the ground work and planting the seeds of their ultimate success and our freedom’s ultimate defeat. And they are just getting started.


And the liberals can’t help but gloat:

Obama revelling in U.S. power unseen in decades

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