I deanknow that calling Howard dean clueless does not merit a posting, but bear with me here for a moment.

We are all, at times, perplexed to see liberals promote  diametrically opposed views of the world – often in the same sentence – and we may never be able to explain such non-linear thought processes.  Today however, Howard  Dean allowed us a glimpse, which may serve to illustrate the fundamental difference between freedom loving conservatives and dictatorial liberals.  In a rare, well actually for Dean this is anything but rare, Freudian Slip, Dean echoed the Machiavellian maxim “the end justifies the means.”  Later, of course, communists, Nazis, and left-wing dictators of every stripe used it  to rationalize the murder of over a hundred million human beings (Say it slowly and let it sink in. One Hundred Million Human Beings Murdered). It seems that Dean, the former chairman of the DNC and Democrat presidential candidate, fully embraces that modus operandi.

If you are a democrat and want to take me to task for not including you in the ranks of freedom loving people, then fine. Prove me wrong. Show up at the tea Parties to protest the confiscation of our monies. Protest with us the government takeover of the automotive industry with our own money. Protest the attempted take over of the internet by the Obama White House.  Protest with us the White House “snitch site” and call for extensive investigations of how the site came to be and why. Protest with us the creation of an army of unconstitutional Czars that Obama has unleashed on the nation. If you are not willing to do these things, then no, you are not included in the ranks of “freedom loving people. “

Today on the Chris Wallace show, Howard Dean stated in regard to Obamacare, that “the American people don’t care about the process. They care about the results”. This clown just doesn’t get it!


A dictator can pass laws and measures at his whim and  these  may be identical copies of some of the bills passed by a democracy. The living standard in a country run,  as Dean envisions, by a benevolent dictator can, for a while, be almost up to par with that of a democracy. A lot of things in a country ruled by a benevolent dictator can be similar to those of free people living in a democracy.

A lot of things that is, except one very important issue. The very issue for which our forefathers risked taking on the biggest and most powerful empire of its day at Boston Harbor. The tea tax they protested was so minuscule that if the average colonial drank a gallon of tea a day for a year it would hardly make a dent in his budget.

It’s the same issue for which young men ran out of High Schools and enlisted to fight and die  even though most of them had never heard of Pearl Harbor much less of Hirohito.

It’s the same issue for which, after 9/11, young men and women signed up as volunteers and veterans reenlisted in the military knowing that war was imminent.

The issue is Freedom and Democracy and both of those are children of “the process”!

It’s interesting that, out of one side of the liberal mouth they condemn the CIA for their activities and interrogation techniques and condemn our military for “air raiding villages” and for not providing Al Qaida prisoners with braised lamb cooked to ethnically correct standards, and out of the other side of their mouths they are telling us that “the American people don’t care about the process.” I wonder what the liberal would say if the Military or the CIA would simply quote Howard Dean “the American people don’t care about the process. They care about the results.”

I really wish that Wallace wouldn’t be so damn limp wrist-ed  and instead take Dean to task. Dean should be invited to give us an example of when exactly  does he think its beneficial  to circumvent the democratic Process  in order to get results?

Is it possible to understate such hypocrisy?

It saddens me to see how far apart the liberal freaks like Dean have drifted form the rest of us normal human beings. I am really having great doubts that we can ever reconcile with a party whose former leader so casually embraces dictatorial rationalization.

  1. Democracy is not the process, it’s part process, part results. People care about the end result, but since most Americans don’t get involved and don’t become part of the process, Dean is right. Americans care about the end result.

    “A dictator can pass laws and measures at his whim and these may be identical copies of some of the bills passed by a democracy.”

    That’s true. That’s what Bush with with his 1,200 executive orders/signing statements, — making law without Congress. Look it up. Bush was the Dictator. Obama doesn’t make his own laws, that’s what Congress is attempting to do.

    1. The libits, who make a show of protesting imaginary election procedures violations – as they vandalize opponents vehicles ad sick the black panthers on voters- are suddenly not all that concern with the democratic process in an issue that will affect Americans for generations to come and maybe for ever. Why should they be, that type of concern libs reserve for terrorists.
      Please put your “but monkey” suit away -but but but but Bush- and give us an example of libit approved,, type of legislature, of similar size ad potential impact as Obama-care, that you think can circumvent the democratic process.

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