
OK I found and added a High Def version of the pic, (just click the thumb and you’ll get it) As I mentioned below someone commented that these pics are usually taken in the morning or late after noon to get the best light. I am certainly not a pro on this but if you get a look at the pic – from AP- I have to agree. Why would they chose such an overcast day and this particular time to do this?

And to really get you rilled I added the current official Air Force One pic , of the plane flying over Mount Rushmore. Are you kidding me? You compare the two and then tell me that this isn’t all a snow job.

Original Post

So we pay over $300k for an amateurish photograph complete with window glare?

Is this some sort of practical joke that Obama is playing on us? Is he trying to tell the world that Americans are so stupid we’ll believe anything? I’ve learned long ago that when an administration is willing to af1-pic3have us consider them incompetent, they are doing that to hide a lot worse. So what, or whom, are they hiding inside our plane.

Someone commented that photo-ops are not done at midday and this pic proves them right. But, maybe we should cut the White House some slack here because the photographer behind this photo clearly isn’t a professional. I mean, if this is the best they got, can you imagine how bad the other ones are? Who took that picture and what was he using? A key-chain camera? For $328,000 we couldn’t pay someone for a little bit of a touch-up? Cosmo magically erases thigh cellulite on a weekly basis. How troublesome can a little window glare be?af-one-rushnmore1

Further I am really curious why this particular picture with the “picturesque” views of Staten Island was published as opposed to one with the majestic Manhattan or Jersey City skylines in the back ground? Could it be that the White House doesn’t want us to see all the little people scurrying about terrorized by the sight of a jumbo jet hading for a skyscraper. Or maybe the problem is that the terrorized masses are not in the pictures because there are no damn pictures!


Seriously what are they covering up? Who was going for a joy ride in our Air Force One?

How much of the $300K went to pay for the window glare in the upper right corner?
Oh shure the one above is better right?

The picture below taken with a cell phone looks better than the one which cost us $300k

This image was taken with a cell phone by Jason McLane,
This image was taken with a cell phone by Jason McLane.

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